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ddaa's blog

Codegate CTF 2017 prequals web+pwn 435 PNGParser

Codegate CTF , Stack Overflow , LFI

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The challenges is more interesting than last year.
However, why held the CTF on Friday? :(

The problem description provided some website links for us. All of them are the same.
There are two tags on the website. One of them is named FILE UPLOAD, Another one is named INTERNET.
We could upload a PNG file from local or through internet.
My teammate, jeffxx found there is a LFI vulnerability in INTERNET page.
It can read any file after modified the protocol to file://.
However, the flag doesn't located on the general path.
We could not read the flag directly, but we could download the source.
After reading source, we could find a elf file named PNGParser will be executed when the website handled the uploaded PNG file.

PNGPareser must be executed with one argument file_name.
It will parse the file and dump each entry in the file if the file is a legal PNG file.
I decided to fuzz the binary after openen it wit IDA Pro because the parser is a little complicated.
Luckily, the binary crashed easily and the error message was:

*** Error in `./pngparser': double free or corruption (out): 0x089f0598 ***

Now, we knowed the crashed point at 0x089f0598, but why it crashed ?.
With the program slicing skill that I learned from Software Debugging, I found the fault is happened on 0x0804946d.
Heap overflow happened after the program called memcpy() and the buffer that stored the PNG content overwrote the top chunk.
In order to understand what happened, we need to take a look on PNG stcucture before going on.

/* Some members may not be exactly. Sorry for my indolence. */
struct PNG
  int status;
  char header[8];
  char next[4];
  int chunk_size;
  void *data_ptr;
  int size1;
  int size2;
  char *buf;
  char entry[80];

And here is a piece of pseudocode nearby memcpy():

int parse_png(PNG *png, char *buf, size_t len)
  while ( i < len )
    if ( len - i >= png->s1 - png->s2 )
      v4 = png->s1 - png->s2;
      v4 = 2000;
    cmp_header(&png->header[4], "PLTE");
    memcpy(&png->buf[png->s2], &buf[i], v4);
    png->s2 += v4;
    i += v4;
    if ( png->s2 >= png->s1 )
      v5 = parse_entry(png);
      if ( !v5 )
        return 0;

len is the return value of fread() in main function.
Its maximum value is 0x10000 because the third argument of fread() is equal to 0x10000.
We can control the value of len easily through cutting the PNG files.
parse_png() will parse from the start entry (png->header == "\x89PDF\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a") at first.
Next, calulate the offset of next entry and parse each by each until reach IEND entry.
We can construct a PNG file, which has a entry that the real size is smaller than the size field.
And then, the condition len - i >= png->s1 - png->s2 will be satisfied and v4 will be set to 2000.
Overflow will happened because the size of png->buf is determined by png->chunk_size.

Sounds great. However, we still need to overcome a little trouble.
First, each PNG entry has a crc field, so we cannot modify the PNG file directly.
We must calulate the correct crc checksum for each entry in PNG file after modified.
Second, PNGParser is a non-interactive program, it means ASLR will become a knotty problem.
Most of heap exploitation skills need to know the memory layout.
In fact, I didn't think out a efficient method to exploit this challenge through heap exploitation.
However, at the same line, memcpy() is possible to trigger stack overflow !

int parse_entry(PNG *a1)
    case 0xD:
      a1->status = 0xE;
      a1->s1 = 4;
      a1->s2 = 0;
      a1->buf = a1->next;
      goto LABEL_17;

There is a switch case in parse_entry(). Accoring to png->status, entry will be handle by different ways.
In the most case, png->buf will store the address of malloc buffer, except png->status is equal 0xd.
In this case, png->buf will point to the address of png->next and png->status become 0xe.
Let's see where is the varaible png ... It is a local variable in main().
Thus, if the entry which status is equal to 0xe happened overflow, we can control the partial stack of main().

It seems to be left to do the ROP and shell out ... Not yet! O__Q
Although we have overwriten the stack of main(), but we cannot go well to reach return.
The segmentation fault will still happen in feof() because the file descriptor was overwritten.
We must forge a fake FILE structure to prevent the program crashed.
But, where can we forge the sturcture? Remember, we don't know the memory layout.
I stucked at here for a while, then I found tEXt entry can help us!.
The content of tEXt entry will be copy to the bss section whose address is 0x0804e4de.
Notice, null byte cannot appear in the tEXt entry, so we cannot forge it completely.
Our goal is just that let feof() return gracefully. Luckily, the binary is x86 architecutre.
Thus, we can reach the goal and forge the vtable in the FILE structure incidentally.
I made one of vtable function to add esp, 0xd8 and it will be used in fread().
After that, the control flow will enter our rop payload when executing fread().
Finally, we can do ROP easily and shell out! :)

exploit: exp.py

flag: FLAG{sh3_1s_b3t1fu1_#$%}

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