這題困難的地方都被 lucas 逆完了 <(_ _)>
BTW,我覺得這題分數 200 分有點太少...
The problem was solved with jeffxx, atdog and lays
Most of exploit was written by atdog during the competition and I rewrote the exploit for the write-up. ..
3XC3CTF , Bash , CMD Injection
34C3 跟去年一樣是在上班時間舉辦
這題應該是至今解過限制最多的 cmd injection 題目了...
PKCS#1 v1.5 , RSA , CVE , Google CTF
這題沒有解出來...不過學到很多關於 PKCS#1 v1.5 的攻擊方式
還是厚著臉皮寫了一篇 write up
Engima , Wireshark , Frequency Analysis , Other CTF
Our team phddaa
(what the f...) got 2400 points and 19th rank this year.
We didn't spend too much time on this game because we think the competition is 48 hours. O__O
There are several categories of challenges but I don't know..